What are the common mistakes to avoid during DHA license application?

Obtaining a Dubai Health Authority (DHA) license is a crucial step for healthcare professionals seeking to work in Dubai. However, the path to acquiring a DHA license is fraught with pitfalls that can delay or derail your application. Whether you are a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, or other healthcare professional, avoiding these common mistakes can streamline your journey towards practicing in Dubai.

Incomplete or Inaccurate Documentation

One of the most common mistakes applicants make when applying for a DHA license in Dubai is submitting incomplete or inaccurate documentation. Each category of healthcare professional requires specific documents, such as educational certificates, professional experience letters, and professional qualification certificates. Missing these documents or providing incorrect information can lead to application rejection or significant delays.

To avoid this mistake, thoroughly review the DHA’s list of required documents for your profession. Ensure all documents are current, properly authenticated, and translated into English or Arabic if necessary.

Ignoring Eligibility Requirements

Another frequent error is overlooking the specific eligibility requirements set by the DHA for different healthcare professions. Each role has distinct criteria regarding education, experience, and qualifications. For instance, doctors need to meet specific internship and residency requirements, while nurses must fulfil certain educational and clinical practice prerequisites.

Before beginning your application, familiarize yourself with the eligibility criteria for your profession on the DHA website. Meeting these requirements is non-negotiable, and failing to do so will result in your application being denied.

Failing to Pass the DHA Exam

Many healthcare professionals underestimate the importance of the DHA exam, which is a mandatory step in the licensing process. The exam assesses your professional knowledge and competence. Failing to prepare adequately can lead to a failed exam, delaying your licensure.

To avoid this, invest time in studying for the DHA exam. There are numerous resources available, including online courses, study guides, and practice tests. Understanding the exam format and dedicating sufficient time to preparation can significantly increase your chances of passing on the first attempt.

Not Following Up on the Application Status

Once you have submitted your application, it’s crucial to regularly check its status. Some applicants make the mistake of assuming that no news is good news. However, there might be additional information or documents required that you need to provide promptly.

Keep track of your application through the DHA’s online portal and respond to any requests for additional information immediately. This proactive approach can prevent unnecessary delays.

Misunderstanding DHA License Fees

The DHA license fees can be a point of confusion for many applicants. There are various fees involved, including application fees, exam fees, and licensing fees. Misunderstanding these costs or failing to budget for them can cause financial strain and delay the process.

To avoid this, carefully review the fee structure on the DHA website and plan your finances accordingly. Ensure you are aware of all potential costs from the beginning to avoid any surprises later on.

Choosing the Wrong Recruitment Agency

Selecting the right recruitment agency like Wizejob can make a significant difference in your DHA license application process. Many applicants choose agencies without researching their reputation or success rate, leading to poor guidance and wasted resources.

Wizejob Recruitment Consultancy is one of the top healthcare recruitment agencies in Dubai that not only assists with licensing requirements but also provides comprehensive support for medical recruitment in the UAE. With their expertise, you can navigate the complexities of the DHA license application with confidence.

Delays in DHA License Renewal

For those already holding a DHA license, timely renewal is essential to maintain your ability to work legally in Dubai. Failing to renew your license on time can result in penalties and the inability to practice.

Make sure to track your license expiration date and start the renewal process well in advance. The DHA typically allows for renewal applications to be submitted 90 days before the expiration date. Don’t wait until the last minute to avoid any interruptions in your professional practice.

Not Utilizing Professional Networks

Many healthcare professionals underestimate the value of professional networks when applying for a DHA license. Networking with colleagues who have successfully navigated the process can provide invaluable insights and tips.

Engage with professional associations and online forums where you can ask questions and share experiences. Learning from others can help you avoid common pitfalls and expedite your application process.

Neglecting Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is a critical component of maintaining your DHA license. Many professionals make the mistake of neglecting CPD requirements, which can jeopardize their license renewal.

Stay informed about the CPD requirements for your profession and actively participate in relevant courses and activities. This proactive approach not only ensures compliance but also enhances your professional knowledge and skills.

Lack of Preparation for the Licensing Interview

For certain professions, the DHA may require a licensing interview as part of the application process. Failing to prepare adequately for this interview can negatively impact your chances of approval.

Research common interview questions and practice your responses. Be prepared to discuss your professional experience, knowledge, and reasons for wanting to work in Dubai. A confident and well-prepared interview can significantly boost your application.


Navigating the DHA license application process in Dubai can be challenging, but avoiding these common mistakes can make it much smoother. Ensuring complete and accurate documentation, meeting eligibility requirements, preparing for the DHA exam, and choosing the right recruitment agency like Wizejob Recruitment Consultancy are key steps to success. Additionally, staying proactive with license renewal, utilizing professional networks, and maintaining CPD requirements are crucial for a successful healthcare career in Dubai.

By taking these precautions, you can avoid unnecessary delays and setbacks, paving the way for a rewarding professional journey in one of the world’s most dynamic healthcare markets.

Why Choose Wizejob Recruitment Consultancy?

Wizejob Recruitment Consultancy distinguishes itself as a premier healthcare recruitment agency in Dubai by providing exceptional support throughout the DHA licensing process and beyond. Their comprehensive licensing assistance ensures all documentation is accurate and complete, while their expert consultants offer valuable advice on eligibility requirements and exam preparation. Additionally, Wizejob excels in medical recruitment, connecting professionals with top employers for the best medical consultant jobs in Dubai. With in-depth knowledge of the UAE healthcare sector and strong industry relationships, Wizejob delivers personalized, tailored support to meet your specific needs and career goals. Choosing Wizejob means partnering with a reliable agency dedicated to facilitating your licensing requirements and securing the best jobs in the UAE and Dubai, making them the ideal choice for advancing your healthcare career.

Additional Tips for a Successful DHA License Application

  • Stay Updated: Regularly check the DHA website for any updates or changes in the licensing process. You can also consult us if you are looking for licensing requirements.
  • Seek Professional Advice: If you encounter any difficulties, consider consulting with us specializing in DHA license applications.
  • Be Patient: The application process can be lengthy. Patience and persistence are key to navigating any bureaucratic process successfully.

By adhering to these guidelines and choosing the right partners, you can achieve your goal of practicing healthcare in Dubai with confidence and ease. Call us at +971 52 767 6282 to know more.

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The Impact of Digitalization on Medical Licensing Services in the UAE

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) stands at the forefront of innovation and advancement. With its commitment to excellence in healthcare services, the UAE has embarked on a digitalization journey that is transforming various aspects of the industry. One significant area experiencing this transformative shift is the process of medical licensing, which plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and competence of healthcare professionals practicing in the country. Let’s delve into the impact of digitalization on medical licensing services in the UAE.

The Digitalization Wave: Revolutionizing Medical Licensing Services in the UAE

Streamlining Recruitment Processes

Traditionally, healthcare recruitment has been a time-consuming and resource-intensive process. However, with the emergence of top healthcare recruitment agencies in Dubai like Wizejob leveraging digital platforms, the recruitment landscape has undergone a paradigm shift. We utilize advanced technologies to match qualified healthcare professionals with suitable job opportunities, thereby streamlining the hiring process and ensuring the seamless integration of talent into the UAE’s healthcare system.

Facilitating Licensing Procedures

Obtaining the necessary licenses to practice medicine in the UAE, whether it’s a DHA (Dubai Health Authority) license, DOH (Department of Health) license, or MOH (Ministry of Health) license, has historically been a complex and bureaucratic process. However, digitalization has revolutionized this aspect by introducing online platforms and streamlined procedures. Now, healthcare professionals can apply for licenses, schedule exams, and track the status of their applications through user-friendly online portals, reducing administrative burdens and expediting the licensing process.

Enhancing Accessibility to Healthcare Courses

Digitalization has democratized access to education and training resources in the healthcare sector. With a plethora of healthcare courses available online, professionals in the UAE can enhance their skills and qualifications conveniently. Whether it’s pursuing specialized training in pharmaceuticals, healthcare consulting, or procurement, individuals can access comprehensive learning modules tailored to their needs, thereby advancing their careers and contributing to the overall quality of healthcare services in the region.

Ensuring Compliance and Renewals

Maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements and ensuring timely license renewals are essential aspects of professional practice in the healthcare sector. Digital platforms have simplified these processes by sending automated reminders, providing access to updated regulatory guidelines, and facilitating online payments for license renewals. This proactive approach not only ensures adherence to regulatory standards but also minimizes disruptions to healthcare services due to expired licenses.

Promoting International Mobility

The UAE’s strategic location and reputation as a hub for healthcare excellence have attracted a diverse pool of talent from around the world. Digitalization has played a pivotal role in facilitating the entry of foreign healthcare professionals into the UAE by providing comprehensive information about licensing requirements, exam schedules, and documentation procedures through online portals. This has promoted international mobility, fostered cultural exchange, and enriched the country’s healthcare landscape with diverse perspectives and expertise.

Looking Ahead: Opportunities and Challenges

While digitalization has undoubtedly revolutionized medical licensing services in the UAE, there are still opportunities for further enhancement. Collaborative efforts between government agencies, healthcare institutions, and technology providers are essential to address challenges such as data security, interoperability of systems, and ensuring equitable access to digital resources across the healthcare ecosystem. By embracing innovation and leveraging digital solutions, the UAE is poised to strengthen its position as a global leader in healthcare delivery and continue to provide exemplary services to its citizens and residents alike.

In conclusion, the impact of digitalization on medical licensing services in the UAE is profound and far-reaching. From streamlining recruitment processes and facilitating licensing procedures to enhancing accessibility to healthcare courses and promoting international mobility, digitalization has ushered in a new era of efficiency, transparency, and excellence in the healthcare sector. As the UAE continues its journey towards digital transformation, the future holds immense promise for further innovation and advancement in medical licensing services, ultimately benefiting healthcare professionals, institutions, and the community at large.

Why choose Wizejob?

At WizeJob, we understand the challenges and complexities that both job seekers and employers face in today’s competitive market. Our team is committed to providing innovative solutions that streamline the recruitment process and connect talented individuals with rewarding opportunities. With our advanced technology and personalized approach, we go beyond traditional job search platforms to offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. Whether you’re a healthcare professional seeking license in the UAE or an employer looking to fill key positions in your organization, we are here to support you every step of the way. With WizeJob, you can trust our expertise, dedication, and unwavering commitment to helping you achieve your goals efficiently and effectively. Join us today and experience the difference that WizeJob can make in your career or recruitment journey. Call us at +971 4 344 1604, +971 52 767 6282, or +971 50 722 5784 or email us at [email protected].

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Medical Licensing Procedures in the UAE vs. Other Countries: A Comparative Analysis

The healthcare sector is a critical component of any nation’s welfare system, and the process of medical licensing plays a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and reliability of medical professionals. In today’s blog, we aim to provide a comparative analysis of the medical licensing procedures in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and how they stack up against those in other countries.

The UAE’s Approach to Medical Licensing

In the UAE, the medical licensing process is overseen by various health authorities, including the Dubai Health Authority (DHA), the Health Authority of Abu Dhabi (HAAD), and the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP). These bodies ensure that healthcare professionals meet stringent criteria before they are allowed to practice.

Prospective medical practitioners must undergo a comprehensive evaluation process that includes credential verification, examinations, and proof of experience. The UAE also mandates healthcare professionals to participate in continuous medical education (CME) to maintain their licenses.

Medical Licensing in Other Countries

The United States

In the US, medical licensing is governed at the state level. Each state has its own medical board and set of regulations. The process typically involves passing the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE), completing a residency program, and fulfilling CME requirements.

The United Kingdom

The UK’s General Medical Council (GMC) is responsible for licensing doctors. The process includes passing the Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB) test or having a recognized postgraduate qualification, along with a period of supervised practice known as the Foundation Programme.


In Canada, medical licensing is managed by provincial and territorial medical regulatory authorities. International medical graduates must pass the Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination (MCCEE) and complete a residency program to be eligible for licensure.


The Australian Medical Council (AMC) oversees the licensing of medical practitioners. The process involves passing the AMC exams and completing an internship. Additionally, the Medical Board of Australia requires doctors to engage in CME activities.

Comparative Analysis

When comparing the UAE’s medical licensing procedures with those of other countries, several key differences emerge:

  • Centralization: The UAE’s process is more centralized, with MOHAP playing a significant role, whereas countries like the US and Canada have decentralized systems with state or provincial regulation.
  • Examinations: While all countries require some form of examination, the nature and focus of these exams vary. The USMLE, PLAB, MCCEE, and AMC exams all test different competencies and knowledge areas.
  • Residency: The requirement for completing a residency program is common in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia, but the duration and structure of these programs differ.
  • CME: Continuous medical education is a universal requirement, but the specifics of CME credits and activities are unique to each country’s medical regulatory body.
  • Language Proficiency: English language proficiency is a critical component in the UK, US, Canada, and Australia, whereas the UAE places more emphasis on the verification of credentials and experience.


The medical licensing procedures in the UAE and other countries reflect their respective healthcare systems’ priorities and standards. While there are commonalities in ensuring the competence of medical professionals, the pathways to licensure vary significantly. Understanding these differences is crucial for medical practitioners who wish to practice internationally and for the global harmonization of medical standards.

How can Wizejob help?

Wizejob Recruitment Consultancy can assist you in various ways, especially if you’re looking to advance your career in the healthcare sector in the UAE. Here’s how We can help:

  • Job Placement: Wizejob specializes in connecting healthcare professionals with job opportunities in the UAE. We can help you find the right employer that matches your skills and career aspirations.
  • Licensing Services: If you’re a healthcare professional looking to practice in the UAE, Wizejob provides assistance with the medical licensing procedures, which is a crucial step to start working in the country.
  • International Recruitment: We operate on an international scale, seeking talent from around the world, which means We can help you secure a position in the UAE regardless of where you’re currently located.
  • Quality Assurance: Wizejob conducts a meticulous screening process to ensure that only candidates who meet high standards of professionalism are selected for job placements.
  • Career Growth: We offer guidance and support for professionals who are starting their careers in the UAE, helping them navigate the job market and grow in their chosen field.

Whether you’re a job seeker or an employer in the healthcare industry, Wizejob aims to provide quality services and support to meet your needs. Call us at +971 52 767 6282 or email us at [email protected] to know more.

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Common Challenges in Obtaining a UAE Medical License & How to Overcome Them

Obtaining a medical license in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) can be a complex process with its own set of challenges. While the specific requirements and processes may vary depending on the emirate, there are common challenges that healthcare professionals often encounter. Here are some general strategies to overcome them:

Challenges in Obtaining a UAE Medical License

Documentation Requirements

Challenge: The UAE typically has strict documentation requirements, and obtaining and authenticating all necessary documents can be time-consuming.

Solution: Start the documentation process early. Ensure that all your educational certificates, experience letters, and other required documents are readily available. Be prepared to have these documents attested or legalized, which may involve multiple steps, depending on your home country.

Language Proficiency

Challenge: Most licensing exams and application processes are conducted in English, and healthcare professionals may need to prove their proficiency in the language.

Solution: Improve your English language skills if needed. Consider taking language proficiency tests such as IELTS or TOEFL. Additionally, practice medical English, as the terminology used in exams and documentation is often specialized.

Licensing Exams

Challenge: Many healthcare professionals are required to pass licensing exams specific to their field.
Solution: Invest time in exam preparation. There are often preparatory courses and study materials available. Familiarize yourself with the exam format, review relevant medical literature, and consider joining study groups. Some professions, such as doctors, may need to take exams like the Prometric or HAAD (Health Authority – Abu Dhabi) exam.

Recognition of Qualifications

Challenge: The UAE may not recognize certain qualifications from certain countries.

Solution: Check with the relevant health authority in the emirate where you intend to work to understand their specific requirements. If your qualifications are not initially recognized, you may need to undergo an equivalency process or additional training to meet the standards.

Changes in Regulations

Challenge: Regulatory requirements can change, and it’s essential to stay updated on the latest regulations.

Solution: Regularly check the website of the relevant health authority for updates. Join online forums or professional networks where healthcare professionals discuss licensing processes to stay informed about any changes.

Professional Experience Requirements

Challenge: Some licensing bodies may require a certain number of years of professional experience.

Solution: Ensure that your work experience is well-documented. If needed, obtain letters of recommendation or employment verification letters from your previous employers. Highlight relevant experience that aligns with the licensing requirements.

Patience and Persistence

Challenge: The entire licensing process can be lengthy and may require patience.

Solution: Be persistent and patient throughout the process. Follow up regularly with the relevant authorities, and be prepared for potential delays. Maintain a positive attitude and stay focused on your goal.

Remember that the specific requirements and processes can vary between emirates, so it’s crucial to refer to the guidelines provided by the relevant health authority in the specific emirate where you plan to practice. Seeking assistance from professional consultants like Wizejob can help you with medical licensing in the UAE. We also provide you with licensing services that are a must if you are planning to work in the UAE.

Why choose Wizejob?

WizeJob Recruitment Consultancy stands out for its expertise in connecting qualified professionals with lucrative healthcare procurement jobs in the UAE. Specializing in the dynamic healthcare sector, we ensure a seamless match between candidates and leading employers. With an extensive network, we provide exclusive access to coveted job opportunities in the UAE. Additionally, we offer valuable insights into healthcare courses in the UAE, guiding candidates towards relevant professional development. Our personalized approach, market knowledge, and commitment to facilitating a successful career path make WizeJob a preferred choice for those seeking rewarding jobs in the flourishing healthcare industry of the UAE.

Want to know more? Email us at [email protected] or call us at +971 52 767 6282â€Ķ!!!

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Tips to Prepare for a MOH Exam

If you are a healthcare professional who wants to work in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), you need to pass the MOH exam. The MOH exam stands for the Ministry of Health Exam, and it is a medical license exam that is conducted by the Ministry of Health UAE. The MOH exam is required for all healthcare professionals who want to work in all five Emirates except Dubai and Abu Dhabi2. In this blog post, we will explain what the MOH exam is, what are the benefits of having MOH certification, who should take a MOH exam, and how to prepare for it.

What is the MOH?

The MOH is the Ministry of Health UAE, which oversees the medical practitioners’ professional licensure and is responsible for implementing healthcare policies in all aspects of the United Arab Emirates. The MOH exam is a standardized exam for license of healthcare professionals in the UAE. The exam is administered by the MOH in collaboration with an outsourced provider (Prometric), which has testing centers in over 76 countries worldwide4. The exam is available for various specialties, such as nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, physiotherapy, etc. The exam format and content vary depending on the specialty and level of practice.

What are the Benefits of Having MOH Certification?

Having a MOH certification has many benefits for healthcare professionals who want to work in the UAE. Some of these benefits are:

  • It allows you to work in all five Emirates except Dubai and Abu Dhabi, which gives you more opportunities and flexibility to choose your preferred location and employer.
  • It enhances your professional credibility and reputation, as it shows that you have met the high standards and requirements of the MOH.
  • It increases your chances of getting hired and promoted, as it demonstrates your competence and skills in your field of practice.
  • It opens up new possibilities for career growth and development, as it enables you to access various training programs and courses offered by the MOH and other institutions.
  • It improves your salary and benefits package, as it reflects your value and contribution to the healthcare sector.

Who Should Take a MOH Exam?

Any healthcare professional who wishes to work in the UAE should take a MOH exam. However, there are some prerequisites and eligibility criteria that you need to meet before applying for the exam. These include:

  • Degree of primary qualification (MBBS) or equivalent
  • Internship completion (house-job) or equivalent
  • Clinical experience of two years or more (preferably in home country) or equivalent
  • Good standing certificate from previous licensing authority or employer
  • Valid passport and visa
  • Other documents as required by the MOH

4 Tips to Prepare for a MOH Exam

Preparing for a MOH exam can be challenging, but not impossible. Here are some tips that can help you ace your exam:

  1. Review the syllabus and exam format: You should familiarize yourself with the syllabus and exam format of your specialty and level of practice. You can find this information on the MOH website or from Prometric. You should also check the exam dates and locations, and book your test slot in advance.
  2. Study the material: You should study the material that covers the topics and objectives of the syllabus. You can use various sources, such as textbooks, journals, online courses, etc. You should also practice answering questions that are similar to those on the exam, such as multiple-choice questions, case studies, etc.
  3. Take mock tests: You should take mock tests that simulate the real exam conditions. This will help you assess your strengths and weaknesses, improve your time management skills, and boost your confidence. You can find mock tests online or from Prometric.
  4. Revise and relax: You should revise the material that you have studied before the exam day. You should also relax and rest well before the exam. You should avoid cramming or stressing out too much. You should also eat well, drink water, and dress comfortably on the exam day.

How Can I Learn More About MOH Practice Tests?

Many websites provide you with mock MOH practice tests. You can practice online courses and mock tests for various specialties and levels of practice. These tests are designed by experts and updated regularly according to the latest syllabus and exam format. It will help you prepare for your MOH exam effectively and efficiently.

If you are looking for healthcare procurement jobs in UAE, we at Wizejob are here for you. We are the ideal choice for those looking for jobs in UAE due to our extensive network and deep connections within the local job market. With strong relationships with a wide range of employers, we provide access to exclusive job opportunities. Our personalized approach ensures that candidates receive tailored guidance and support throughout the job search process, enhancing their chances of finding suitable employment. Moreover, WizeJob offers comprehensive services beyond job matching, including career counseling and interview coaching, providing valuable resources to help candidates succeed in their job search.

Feel free to call us at +971 52 767 6282 to know moreâ€Ķ.!!!!

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UAE’s New Visa Reforms – How They Affect Job Market

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) recently announced new visa reforms that are expected to have a significant impact on the job market in 2023. These changes will allow for greater flexibility and mobility for foreign workers, making it easier for them to switch jobs and obtain long-term residency in the country. In this blog post, we will discuss the details of these reforms and their potential effects on the job market.

What are the new visa reforms in UAE?

Under the new visa reforms, foreign workers in the UAE will be able to obtain a five-year visa without having to be sponsored by an employer. This is a significant departure from the current system, which requires workers to have a sponsor for their visa, making it difficult for them to switch jobs or leave their current employer.

Moreover, foreign workers who have held a UAE residency visa for five years or more will be eligible for a long-term visa, which can be renewed every 10 years. This provides workers with greater stability and security, allowing them to build a long-term life in the country.

How will these reforms affect the job market?

The new visa reforms are expected to have several effects on the job market in the UAE. Here are some potential impacts:

  • Increased job mobility: With the removal of the sponsorship requirement, foreign workers will have greater freedom to switch jobs and pursue opportunities that align with their skills and career goals. This could lead to increased competition for top talent and encourage employers to provide better working conditions and benefits to attract and retain employees.
  • Boost to the economy: By making it easier for foreign workers to obtain long-term residency in the UAE, the country is expected to see an influx of talent and investment. This could lead to job creation, economic growth, and greater innovation and productivity.
  • Improved working conditions: With greater job mobility, workers may be more likely to demand better working conditions, higher salaries, and improved benefits. This could encourage employers to provide more competitive compensation packages to attract and retain top talent.
  • Increased diversity: The UAE has a diverse workforce, and the new visa reforms are expected to encourage even greater diversity as workers from different countries and backgrounds seek opportunities in the country. This could lead to greater cultural exchange and understanding, and help to position the UAE as a global leader in innovation and talent attraction.

UAE New Visa Rules for 2023

  • Golden Visa Rules: The UAE’s Golden Visa is a long-term residency program aimed at attracting top talent and investors to the country. Under the new rules, the Golden Visa will be extended to include more categories of people, including artists, authors, and entrepreneurs.
  • Green Residence: The UAE is also set to launch a new program called Green Residence, which will provide long-term residency visas to those who invest in environmentally sustainable projects in the country.
  • Five-Year Residency Visas for Children of Emirati Women: Emirati women who are married to non-Emirati men will now be able to sponsor their children’s residency visas for up to five years, providing greater stability and security for their families.
  • Entry Visa Rules: The UAE is also set to introduce new entry visa rules, which will make it easier for tourists and business travelers to enter the country. These new rules will include visa-free entry for citizens of several countries and a simplified application process for others.
  • Visit Visa Extension and Overstay Rules: The UAE has also introduced new rules regarding visit visa extensions and overstays. Visitors who overstay their visas will now face fines and may be barred from re-entering the country. However, those who wish to extend their visit visas may do so by applying online through the UAE’s immigration website.
  • Visit Visa Price and Unused Rules: The UAE has also revised its visit visa pricing and unused rules. Visitors who cancel their visit visas before arrival will receive a full refund, while those who cancel after arrival will receive a partial refund based on the number of days remaining on their visa.

New Benefits for Family Members

Apart from the new visa rules, the UAE is also set to introduce new benefits for family members of foreign workers. These benefits will include access to healthcare, education, and other services, as well as the ability to sponsor family members for residency visas.

To sum it up,

The new visa reforms in the UAE are expected to have a significant impact on the job market in 2023 and beyond. By making it easier for foreign workers to obtain long-term residency and switch jobs, the country is positioning itself as a more attractive destination for top talent from around the world. This could lead to increased job mobility, economic growth, and improved working conditions, ultimately benefiting both employers and employees in the UAE.

Wizejob plays a pivotal role in addressing the shortage of medical practitioners by partnering with medical institutions in the UAE and other countries. We conduct regular recruitment drives for doctors, nurses, and medical workforces in Dubai, UAE, and the rest of the Emirates. Wizejob provides jobs in Dubai, UAE with the biggest health institutions.

We not only have experience but expertise in the field. Wizejob has an amazing track record and we provide a range of services including a DHA license in Dubai, a MOH license, a DOH license, etc. We offer customized packages with quick turnaround times.

Over the years, we have become a global center of opportunity and business. Wizejob aims to reduce the patient-to-nurse ratio, especially in countries with healthcare systems that are unable to fill the gaps. If your institution is looking for competent nurses, we can help – contact us to get in touch.

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How To Get Doctors License In Dubai

Here is a quick guide that gives you all the necessary steps you need to apply for a Dubai DHA license for doctors. In this blog, you will understand how the process work. We have compiled a quick list of documents you need to get your license.

Doctors can practice medicine in the nation with the use of a Dubai Medical license, which is a medical license given in Dubai. Only physicians who have completed at least two years of residency in Dubai and who are not citizens of any other nation are eligible for the license. requirements for submitting a DHA license application:

Doctors can practice medicine in the UAE using DHA license, which is a medical license issued in Dubai. You must pass both the initial licensing exam and the recertification exam to be granted a DHA license.

You can apply for a DHA license in Dubai by following the instructions below if you already hold a license from another country.

  • Step 1: Get a copy of your license from your native country as the first step.
  • Step 2: Fill out the application form and send it to the Dubai Health Authority along with the necessary paperwork.
  • Step 3: Pass the licensure test.
  • Step 4: Get your certification letter from the Dubai Health Authority.

Doctors can practice medicine in the UAE with the use of a DHA license, which is a medical license issued in Dubai. You must pass both the initial licensing exam and the recertification exam to be granted a DHA license.

Benefits of a DHA license

There are many benefits to obtaining a DHA license if you are considering applying for a doctor license in Dubai. Here are a few examples:

  • You can give your patients the best possible care if you have a DHA license.
  • You are given the power to work in Dubai’s healthcare industry.
  • You may use it to launch a flourishing medical career in Dubai.

A DHA license is a crucial certification for physicians working in the United Arab Emirates. Dubai medical license exam for foreigners is a great way to kickstart your career in Dubai.

Here are some of the following advantages of medical licensing services in UAE:

More career opportunities: Medical professionals can work in hospitals and clinics all around the UAE with a DHA license.
Increased credibility: A physician’s reputation and marketability are both increased by holding a doctor license in UAE.
Better patient treatment: Doctors with a DHA license are more qualified to offer patients high-quality care.

Procedure to get a Dubai DHA License

DHA licensing is required for doctors to practice in Dubai. A DHA license can be obtained quickly and easily, usually within a few weeks. This is a thorough guide to obtaining a doctor’s license from the Dubai Health Authority:

Start by reading up on what is necessary to apply for a DHA license in Dubai. To be eligible for a DHA license, applicants must adhere to various rules that have been established by the Dubai government.

Start putting together your application package once you have a good idea of the prerequisites. Include all required paperwork, such as your medical degree and the certificate attesting to your good standing from your previous practice or residency.

Await the Dubai government’s confirmation after you have submitted the necessary documentation. The licensing center will then allow you to start the application procedure.

Visit the licensing center to take the necessary tests after being granted a DHA license. You will receive your official DHA license after passing the examinations, allowing you to start practicing medicine in Dubai!

Duration of the process

The process of applying for a Dubai DHA license for doctors can take anything from a few weeks to many months, depending on the exact criteria of the application.

It is crucial to remember that the application process has its own share of difficulties and holdups, but with persistence and patience, it is possible to accomplish.

When requesting a Dubai DHA license, bear the following in mind:

The application procedure can be begun by submitting a paper application or by filling out an online form.
The paper application is appropriate if you would want to have more control over the information contained in your application, even if the online form is typically more user-friendly.

Candidates must submit comprehensive information about their credentials and experience working as doctors in Dubai.

A criminal background check, verification of good health, and proof of residency in Dubai are also necessary.

How to apply Dubai Health Authority License for Dentists

Obtaining a license from the Dubai Health Authority is a must for doctors who wish to practice dentistry in Dubai. There are a few procedures you must take in order to receive a DHA license for dentists, and the procedure is rather simple.

The first step is to compile the required paperwork. This includes certification from the organization that oversees your specialty, a letter from your current doctor attesting to your good health and stating that you don’t have any medical conditions that would prevent you from practicing dentistry, as well as the official transcripts from your previous dental school.

The DHA will then need a completed application from you. The application procedure includes providing copies of your supporting papers and paying a license fee.

You will be informed of the outcome of your application after it has been completed, and you will be expected to appear in person for a DHA interview. You will receive a license to practice dentistry in Dubai if you are successful in completing the interview process.

How to reapply, if denied?

You might be able to resubmit if your request for a Dubai DHA license is rejected. Contacting the Dubai DHA licensing division and outlining your situation is the first step. After that, they will decide if you deserve a second shot.


This article is for you if you’re a doctor and want to provide DHA supplements to your patients or if you just want to learn how to get a Dubai DHA license for doctors. Everything from the fundamentals of importing DHA into the UAE to the prerequisites for license will be covered in it.

We trust that this guide has given you all the details you require to decide whether or not to submit an application for DHA license for doctors.

A Dubai DHA license is required if you are a doctor and want to work in Dubai. If you are planning to start your medical career in UAE, then you need a proper licensing service in Dubai. We at Wizejob are one of the licensing and recruitment service providers who can help you with all the medical licensing services in UAE. As the top DHA license agency in Dubai, let us assist you with all the formalities and procedures required so that you can relax and focus on other responsibilities.


What are some of the top UAE medical license exams for foreigners?

Here are some of the top UAE medical license exam for foreigners:

  • DHA exam – Dubai Health Authority
  • HAAD now DOH – Abu Dhabi Health Services Exam which is now changed to DOH
  • DHCC – Dubai Healthcare City exam
  • MOH – Ministry of Health exam which is the national medical license exam in the UAE.

What is Dubai medical license exam fees?

There is no charge for self-assessment tests conducted via Sheryan. However, for license exams, you need to pay AED 200. The payment will vary as per the license types – part-time, full-time, trainee and convert, etc.

Who is exempted from Dubai medical license exam?

Healthcare professionals who have passed specific international exams or who are currently registered with or possess a license from one or more regulatory authorities are excused from the examination necessary to earn a professional license (Exam Equivalency Criteria).

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DHA License Dubai: Requirement, Process, Renewal

Healthcare practitioners in Dubai must get a DHA license if they want to get a job in Dubai. It is issued by the Health Regulation Department (HRD) of the Dubai Health Authority (DHA). Healthcare professionals must apply, pass a skill exam, and complete evaluations in Dubai to get their DHA license. If you are looking for healthcare procurement jobs in Dubai, UAE, then this is for you.

Who can submit a DHA license Dubai application?

The Health Regulation Department (HRD) of the DHA is solely in charge of licensing medical specialists who have the training and credentials necessary to offer Dubai citizens high-quality medical care. Traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine practitioners who want to practice in Dubai must obtain a DHA license including, but not limited to:

  • Physicians
  • Dentists
  • Nurses/Midwives
  • Allied Healthcare

How to get a DHA license?

The DHA license application process in Dubai is simple but lengthy. The information you need to apply for your medical license in the UAE is provided below.

1: The Self-Assessment Tool

The initial self-assessment is the first step in applying for a DHA license in Dubai.

  • Visit the DHA website to access the Sheryan self-assessment portal.
  • Respond to the self-evaluation inquiries.
  • Create a DHA account by logging in to get the results.

Bear in mind that you can attempt the assessment only 3 times across the authorities.

The site will determine your DHA eligibility check to join the Dubai Medical Registry as per the information you provide.

If so, go to the next step. If not, you have the option of having your profile manually reviewed. The Manual Review requires that you:

  • Provide the necessary information and documentation in an online application.
  • Remit the fees (AED 200)
  • Waiting for your DHA evaluation could take up to 10 business days, so be patient.

2: Create a Sheryan account

You should generate a personal ID on the DHA Sheryan site before formally starting the DHA license process.

  • Go to the DHA “Single Sign On” website.
  • “Register New Account” should be clicked.
  • Put in the needed details.
  • Choose “Register” and then

You will receive account authentication details in your email.

3: The PSV and CBT assessment

Anybody who qualifies for a license in Dubai must complete their Primary Source Verification (PSV) and pass the CBT evaluation (if required).

The PSV through Dataflow

To screen professional candidates for the Dubai healthcare industry, the DHA has partnered with DataFlow Group. All professionals who submit a DHA license application will have their educational backgrounds and credentials thoroughly checked by the PSV. This is to make sure that only the genuine and the best profiles are included in the Dubai Medical Registry.

The Prometric CBT Assessment

Certain medical professionals, especially doctors, dentists, and nurses, may be required to complete an initial CBT Assessment by the DHA. This DHA licensing examination is given by Prometric, an impartial testing organization that evaluates candidates’ levels of knowledge and proficiency.

You can register for the DHA license in Dubai if you clear your Prometric CBT assessment and the PSV review.

4: Register

You must create an account on the DHA Sheryan to legally process the license application. To that, just say:

  • Click on the “Register a professional”
  • Provide the necessary information
  • Upload the required documents
  • Pay the AED 200 required by DHA registration fees and then click on “Submit”

Your application will be examined by the DHA in light of your PSV and CBT results, and it will either be approved, rejected or sent back for more information.

5: Schedule an Oral Assessment

The DHA may ask you to undergo an oral examination, depending on the professional healthcare position you apply for.

  • Set a date for the oral examination.
  • Remit the fees (AED 250 for normal assessment; AED 2000 for urgent)
  • Take the test and do well on it.

6: Activate Professional License

When you complete the oral exam, you will become a registered DHA professional. You just need to register your license to practice at this point. Here is what you need to do using your Sheryan account to accomplish that:

  • Submit an online application after choosing the professional’s registration
  • Your request will be approved by the relevant authority.
  • Pay license activation fees (AED 1000 – AED 4000)

Documents required

You must provide the following records for preliminary processing by the DHA license requirements:

  • A recent passport-size photograph
  • A copy of your passport
  • Your educational background
  • Your experience certificates
  • License or registration for practice
  • The Good Standing Certificate (GSC)
  • A 2-year surgical logbook for surgeons
  • A medical fitness examination, if the candidate is 65 years of age or older. This can be done at any of the Dubai visa medical facilities.

Upon the approval of your license application, you must also submit:

  • A letter of acceptance from your recruitment office
  • A malpractice insurance certificate from your recruiting center

DHA License Renewal

You must renew your license after its initial year of validity. Three months before your license expires, you can request a renewal through the DHA.

Documents Needed for Renewing A License

Each licensed healthcare practitioner who wants to continue working in Dubai must update their registration with new information about their expertise and credentials. The paperwork required for license renewal is listed below.

  • A duplicate of your current passport
  • PSV result for the validity of good standing, license validity, experience
  • Updated experience
  • Renewing your malpractice insurance

DHA license in Dubai Renewal process

If you want to renew your DHA license, you need to:

  • Publish the PSV file.
  • Upload the most recent malpractice insurance certificate
  • Submit the renewal license application for Sheryan
  • Pay the renewal licensing costs for the Sheryan DHA.
  • anticipate DHA review

Once DHA approves your license, your Dubai medical license will be renewed and sent to you via courier.

DHA License Fee Structure

Many payments must be made at various steps throughout the DHA license procedure. For your convenience, we’ve broken down the DHA license fees into manageable steps.

Registration & Application Fees

Self-assessment exams are free to take. Nonetheless, there is an AED 200 credentialing charge for all medical specialists.

License Type Nurse/Allied Health/TCAM Physician/Dentist
Full-time License Fees AED 1000 AED 3000
Part-time License Fees AED 4000 AED 4000
Trainee License Fees AED 1000 AED 3000
Convert to Full-Time Fees AED 200 AED 200
License Type Nurse and Midwife/Allied Health/T&CM Physician/Dentist
Full-time License Fees AED 1000 AED 3000
Part-time License Fees AED 4000 AED 4000
Trainee License Fees AED 1000 AED 3000
Assessment Types Nurse/Allied Health/TCAM Physician/Dentist
Normal Assessment AED 250 AED 500
Urgent Assessment AED 2000 AED 2000

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take in Dubai to get a DHA license?

The typical processing time for a DHA license is five working days after the application process is submitted.

Can the DHA license in Dubai be converted to HAAD (DOH)?

Of course, you can. If you want to change your DHA license to a HAAD (now DOH), you need to have six months of work experience.

What are the operating hours of the DHA?

The DHA office is open from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Thursday. On Friday, it is open from 7:30 am to 12:00 pm, but it is closed on the weekends.

All we have to say about the DHA license in Dubai and how to obtain it is that. It’s important to note that the DHA medical license is exclusive to Dubai. You must apply for the DOH license to conduct business in the Abu Dhabi healthcare industry.

How to reactivate cancelled DHA license?

Apart from being included in the Dubai Medical Registry, keeping an active registration ensures that the permitted position is maintained without the need for re-evaluation. After three (3) months of its expiration date or within three (3) months after the professional license has been revoked, the Registration may be renewed.

The purpose of this service is to maintain the registration records of medical professionals who intend to practice in Dubai up to date with the most recent credentials, experiences, and other necessary papers. Make sure to submit the necessary documents and pay any outstanding fines.

If you fail to renew, you will not only need to pay the penalty fee but also can lead to cancellation of the license if it exceeds 6 months. You must also pay penalties for renewing your license – AED 600/month for physicians/dentists, AED 200/month for Nurses/Allied Health/TCAM.

Why choose us?

Only those with the necessary skill set and credentials are permitted to work in Dubai’s expanding industries to maintain high-quality services in both the public and private sectors. To ensure a specific level of goods and services, for instance, you need a license to teach in Dubai and to start a virtual business there.

Wizejob is one of the top healthcare recruitment agencies in Dubai. We can help you with DHA license, DHA license renewal, and other licensing requirements. We hire talented medical professionals who want to build their careers in Dubai, UAE. Want to know more? Call us at +971 52767 6282.

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How to Get a Medical License to Practice In Dubai

Dubai is known for its diversity of cultures, tourism, and advancements in science and technology. In Dubai, life is hectic. Travelers from all over the world come to Dubai for both pleasure and business, and many even want to settle in this futuristic city for a prosperous future. Simply put, it’s the city with the quickest population growth, the tallest structures, and the most important events. Along with the opulence it gives, it enables its residents to enjoy a healthy and safe life by offering state-of-the-art healthcare facilities and skilled professionals.

The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) makes sure those medical doctors have a practicing license in order to deliver cutting-edge healthcare facilities. They maintain the Dubai Health Authority’s core principles. DHA was established in 2007 by Law 13, which was released by His Highness Sheikh Muhammed Rashid Bin Maktoum, Vice Minister and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.

You must hold a DHA license in Dubai from the Dubai Health Authority in order to practice as a licensed medical professional in Dubai. Once you meet all the Professional Qualification Requirements (PQR), DHA will permit you with a license so that you can provide high-quality medical services in Dubai.

Getting a license from DHA & its importance

The DHA permit is required for medical practitioners who want to work in the Emirate of Dubai. The healthcare practice license issued by the Health Regulation Department (HRD) of the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) will validate your professional abilities and qualification to deliver high-quality healthcare services to Dubai residents.

The DHA is a crucial component of Dubai’s health administration. The advantages of DHA stem from its ideals and mission, which include promoting competition and efficiency, boosting clinical attention, regulating international quality standards, and converting Dubai into a global healthcare hub. Additionally, with the right DHA training, you can become the renegade medical expert you need to be to pass the DHA exam and earn the certification.

If you are a practicing doctor and want to live and work in this vibrant area, follow these steps to get your
DHA medical license in Dubai

Understand the licensing authorities

The Ministry of Health, Dubai Healthcare City, Dubai Health Authority, and HAAD are the four licensing authorities (Health Authority Abu Dhabi). The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) is in charge of four Dubai government hospitals and is able to provide licenses inside the Dubai Emirate. You can only practice if you have a license from DHCC and do so within its jurisdiction. Abu Dhabi is under the control of HAAD, and northern emirates (not Dubai and Abu Dhabi) are accessible if you have a MOH license.

Check the eligibility

License is issued to the following people:

  • Resident doctors
  • Consultants
  • Nurse practitioner
  • Registered midwife
  • Interns
  • Specialists
  • Dentists
  • General practitioners
  • Homoeopathy doctors
  • Ayurveda doctors

Know the procedure of DHA

The steps in the process are as follows:

  • The physician must create an account on the official DHA website.
  • Following a review of the preliminary requirements, the online form must be completed.
  • The payment must be made. The qualifications of the candidate will next be verified by DHA.
  • The doctor is required to show up for a test. A date for the exam must be chosen after reviewing the requirements.
  • DHA will give an eligibility letter after the doctor passes the examination.
  • The doctor will now pay for the service and upload the labor and insurance card.
  • The doctor will now receive his or her license.

Know the total timeframe

The initial application will be examined by DHA in 2-4 weeks. After the test has been taken and passed, the labor and insurance card must be uploaded in less than five working days. The licence will then be granted in two business days.

To sum it up,

For medical practitioners who want to work in Dubai, the DHA issues a medical license. The licensing process described above must be followed in order to obtain the license. To take advantage of the professional abilities acquired from practicing in the Emirate of Dubai, all doctors, nurses, specialists, and consultants can complete their registration. You may realize the goals and strategies of the medical industry by taking advantage of the top job vacancies in healthcare in Dubai. DHA ensures that healthcare services are of high standards in both the public and private sectors and allow the best to work in this expanding industry so that you can join them.

Planning to get your DHA Medical license? Let us help you. We at Wizejob are the top healthcare recruitment agencies in Dubai who can help you not only with getting DHA medical license but also with recruitment in one of the best hospitals in Dubai. Call us to know more.

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